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NeurEco User Manual
NeurEco overview
A break from the state-of-the-art
NeurEco solutions
NeurEco Tabular
NeurEco Discrete Dynamic
Installing NeurEco
Installing NeurEco on Windows
Installing NeurEco on Linux Debian
Installing NeurEco on RedHat
Installing NeurEco on MacOS
QuickStart guide
Getting started with NeurEco
NeurEco Tabular Regression quickstart tutorial
Quickstart: Tabular Regression with the Graphical User Interface
Quickstart: Tabular Regression with the Python API
Quickstart: Tabular Regression with the command line interface
NeurEco Tabular Classification quickstart tutorial
Quickstart: Tabular Classification with the Graphical User Interface
Quickstart: Tabular Classification with the Python API
Quickstart: Tabular Classification with the command line interface
NeurEco Tabular Compression quickstart tutorial
Quickstart: Tabular Compression with the Graphical User Interface
Quickstart: Tabular Compression with the python API
Quickstart: Tabular Compression with the command line interface
NeurEco Discrete Dynamic quickstart tutorial
Quickstart: Discrete Dynamic with the Graphical User Interface
Quickstart: Discrete Dynamic with the Python API
Quickstart: Discrete Dynamic with the command line interface
NeurEco best practices
Using NeurEco
Tabular Regression
Tabular Regression with the GUI
Start a GUI NeurEco Regression project
Data preparation for NeurEco Regression with GUI
Build NeurEco Regression model with the GUI
Evaluate NeurEco Regression model with the GUI
Export NeurEco Regression model with the GUI
Plot a NeurEco network
Sensitivity analysis for Tabular solutions
Input sweep with the GUI
Metrics for the Tabular Regression model with GUI
Export Tabular Regression from the GUI to the Python API
Illustrative test cases for Tabular Regression
Tutorial: using NeurEco GUI for a Tabular Regression problem
Tutorial: resume the Build of a Tabular model with the GUI
Tabular Regression with the Python API
Introduction to the Python API for NeurEco Regression
Data preparation for NeurEco Regression with the Python API
Build NeurEco Regression model with the Python API
Evaluate NeurEco Regression model with the Python API
Export NeurEco Regression model with the Python API
Plot a NeurEco network
Input sweep
Compute gradients
Convert a NeurEco Regression model to a Keras model
Illustrative test cases for Tabular Regression
Tutorial: using NeurEco Python API for a Tabular Regression problem
Tutorial: compute gradients
Tutorial: control the size of a network
Tutorial: converting a NeurEco Regression model to a Keras model
Tutorial: using NeurEco with MATLAB
Tabular Regression with the command line interface
Data preparation for NeurEco Regression with the command line interface
Build NeurEco Regression model with the command line interface
Evaluate NeurEco Regression model with the command line interface
Export NeurEco Regression model with the command line interface
Illustrative test cases for Tabular Regression
Tutorial: using NeurEco command line interface for a Tabular Regression problem
Tabular Compression
Tabular Compression with GUI
Start GUI NeurEco Compression project
Data preparation for NeurEco Compression with GUI
Build NeurEco Compression model with the GUI
Evaluate NeurEco Compression model with GUI
Export NeurEco Compression model with GUI
Plot a NeurEco network
Sensitivity analysis for Tabular solutions
Input sweep with the GUI
Metrics for the Tabular Compression model with GUI
Export Tabular Compression from the GUI to the Python API
Illustrative test cases for Tabular Compression
Tutorial: Using NeurEco GUI for a Tabular Compression problem
Tutorial: resume the Build of a Tabular model with the GUI
Compression coefficients plot and export
Tabular Compression with the Python API
Introduction to the Python API for NeurEco Compression
Data preparation for NeurEco Compression with python API
Build NeurEco Compression model with the Python API
Evaluate NeurEco Compression model with the Python API
Export NeurEco Compression model with the Python API
Plot a NeurEco network
Input sweep
Compute gradients
Convert a NeurEco Compression model to a Keras model
Illustrative test cases for Tabular Compression
Tutorial: using NeurEco Python API on a Tabular Compression problem
Tutorial: control the size of a Compression model
Tabular Compression with the command line interface
Data preparation for NeurEco Compression with the command line interface
Build NeurEco Compression model with the command line interface
Evaluate NeurEco Compression model in the command line interface
Export NeurEco Compression model with the command line interface
Illustrative test cases for Tabular Compression
Tabular Classification
Tabular Classification with the GUI
Start a GUI NeurEco Classification project
Data preparation for NeurEco Classification with GUI
Build NeurEco Classification model with GUI
Evaluate NeurEco Classification model with GUI
Export NeurEco Classification model with GUI
Plot a NeurEco network
Sensitivity analysis for Tabular solutions
Input sweep with the GUI
Metrics for the Tabular Classification model with GUI
Export Tabular Classification from the GUI to the Python API
Illustrative test cases for Tabular Classification
Tutorial: using NeurEco GUI on a Tabular Classification problem
Tutorial: resume the Build of a Tabular model with the GUI
Tabular Classification with the Python API
Introduction to the Python API for NeurEco Classification
Data preparation for NeurEco Classification with python API
Build NeurEco Classification model with the Python API
Evaluate NeurEco Classification model with the Python API
Export NeurEco Classification model with the Python API
Plot a NeurEco network
Input sweep
Compute gradients
Convert a NeurEco Classification model to a Keras model
Illustrative test cases for Tabular Classification
Tutorial: using NeurEco python API on a Tabular Classification problem
Tabular classification with the command line interface
Data preparation for NeurEco Classification with the command line interface
Build NeurEco Classification model with the command line interface
Evaluate NeurEco Classification model with the command line interface
Export NeurEco Classification model with the command line interface
Illustrative test cases for Tabular Classification
Discrete Dynamic
Discrete Dynamic with the GUI
Start a GUI NeurEco Discrete Dynamic project
Data preparation for NeurEco Discrete Dynamic with GUI
Build NeurEco Discrete Dynamic model with GUI
Evaluate NeurEco Discrete Dynamic model with GUI
Export NeurEco Discrete Dynamic model with GUI
Sensitivity analysis for Dynamic solution
Metrics for the Discrete Dynamic model with GUI
Export Discrete Dynamic from the GUI to the Python API
Illustrative test cases Discrete Dynamic
Tutorial: using NeurEco GUI on a Discrete Dynamic problem
Discrete Dynamic with the Python API
Introduction to the Python API for NeurEco Discrete Dynamic
Data preparation for NeurEco Discrete Dynamic with the Python API
Build NeurEco Discrete Dynamic model with the Python API
Evaluate NeurEco Discrete Dynamic model with the Python API
Export NeurEco Discrete Dynamic model python
Illustrative test cases Discrete Dynamic
Tutorial: using NeurEco Python API for a Discrete Dynamic problem
Discrete Dynamic with the command line interface
Data preparation for NeurEco Discrete Dynamic with the command line interface
Build NeurEco Discrete Dynamic model with the command line interface
Evaluate NeurEco Discrete Dynamic model with the command line interface
Export NeurEco Discrete Dynamic model with the command line interface
Illustrative test cases Discrete Dynamic
Tutorial: using NeurEco command line interface for a Discrete Dynamic problem
Installing the last Nvidia GPU driver
Right of usage
Using NeurEco
Using NeurEco
To get the detailed documentation on the relevant solution choose its type:
Discrete Dynamic